吉姆·马特 查看所有新濠天地app


  • Director of Clinical Mental Health track for the Masters of Arts & 咨询项目
  • Appointed program director of the Master of Arts in 咨询项目 at 新濠天地app大学 in January of 2021.  Have been a faculty member of the program since 2008.


  • Ed.D. 咨询师教育 & 监督,杜肯大学,2004年
  • M.S.Ed. 咨询师教育, Duquesne University, 1999
  • M.A. in Clinical Psychology, Edinboro University, 1986
  • B.A. 心理学博士,爱丁堡大学,1984年


  • CNS 514:人类发展
  • CNS 521:咨询技巧
  • CNS 545:成瘾咨询
  • CNS 595:高级评估
  • 临床心理健康咨询
  • 临床心理健康咨询实习
  • 临床心理健康辅导实习课程
  • 心理咨询理论
  • 过程上瘾
  • Professional Issues and Ethics in Mental Health Counseling
  • 精神病理学与诊断
  • 精神药理学


  • 老马特,., J.K.马塔,D.S., & 马特,T.F. (2011). Retraining and Second Careers in Declining Job Market. 在J. Samide G. Eliason, & J. 帕特里克. (Eds.). 高等教育的职业发展(页. 343-355). 莫瓦,新泽西:劳伦斯·厄尔鲍姆.
  • 马特,T.F.马塔,D., & 老马特,., J.K. (2010). 指导的时刻. National Council on Family Relations, April, 2010. 可以在: http://www.national病死率.org/?pdf/mentor_stories/Mentoring_Moments.pdf
  • 科尼利厄斯,J.R.俄亥俄州巴克斯坦市.G.克拉克,D。.B.老玛塔., J.K., & 萨卢姆,我.M. (2007). Fluoxetine Trial for the Cannabis-Related Symptoms of Comorbid Adolescents.  在T.A. 沃尔科特(ed.)、药物和酒精滥用研究重点(第396页). 1-6). 新星科学出版公司.
  • 科尼利厄斯,J.R.俄亥俄州巴克斯坦市.G.克拉克,D。.B.老玛塔., J.K., & 萨卢姆,我.M., & 木头,年代. (2007). Fluoxetine Trial for the Cannabis-Related Symptoms of Comorbid Adolescents. Journal of Drug Abuse, 教育, and Eradication.
  • 科尼利厄斯,J.R.克拉克,D。.B.俄亥俄州巴克斯坦市.G.B.凯利,T.M.,萨鲁姆,我.M.沃尔特斯,M.老玛塔., J.K., & 木头,年代. (2006). Fluoxetine in Adolescents with Comorbid Major Depression and an Alcohol Use Disorder: a Five-year Follow-up Study. 双重诊断杂志2:9-23
  • 约翰逊,B.布伦特,D。.A.桥,J。.康诺利,J.马塔,J.康斯坦丁,D.Rather“宁可”;., & 白色,T. (1995). Familial Aggregation of Adolescent Personality Disorders. 美国儿童学会杂志 & 青少年精神病学.
  • 布伦特,D.A.约翰逊,B.Bartle, S.V.桥,J。.Rather“宁可”;.马塔,J.K.康诺利,J., & 康斯坦丁,D. (1993). Personality Disorder: Tendency to Impulsive Violence and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents. 美国儿童学会杂志 & 青少年精神病学.
  • 马特,T.F., 老马特,., J.K., & 马特,D. S., (2019).  不断变化的景观 高等教育的职业发展.  在G. Eliason T. Eliason J. Samide, & J. 帕特里克. (Eds.). 一生中的职业发展(第6页).825-841). 莫瓦,新泽西:劳伦斯·厄尔鲍姆. 


  • 老马特,. J.K., Minchen B.巴恩哈特,C.理查森,K.里廷格,J. Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, State College, PA. 2019年11月.
  • 老马特,. J.K., National Counselor Licensure Endorsement Process: Moving Towards 可移植性. Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, State College, PA. 2019年11月. 

  • Dotson-Blake K., 老马特,. J.K., Shlemon P., Process and Potential: Counselors as Leaders and Board Directors.  Annual Conference of American Counselor Educator & 监管,西雅图,华盛顿州,2019年10月. 

  • 老马特,. J.K., Staring into the Abyss: Identifying, Understanding and Treating Substance Use Disorder.  新濠天地app新濠天地appPsi Chi入门典礼. 比弗瀑布,宾夕法尼亚州. 2019年9月.

  • 老马特,. J.K., 马特,C.L. Understanding Some of the Mysteries of Human Behavior: Exploring Issues, Challenges and Approaches to Substance Addiction.  First Inter国家 Addictions Conference held in Port Lois, Mauritius. 2019年6月.

  • 老马特,. J.K., Belisky R.布德罗,E., & 太阳能,K. Integrating Treatment Approaches to Address Adolescent Comorbidity.  Beaver County School Counseling Association Meeting, 新濠天地app大学, 比弗瀑布,宾夕法尼亚州 November 2018.

  • 老马特,. J.K., Belisky R.布德罗,E., & 太阳能,K. Integrating Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Address Adolescent Comorbidity Issues. Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, Pittsburgh, PA. 2018年11月10日. 

  • 老马特,. J.K., & Pickutt R. 可移植性 & Endorsement-Part I: An Interactive State Discussion.  Annual Conference of the National Board of Certified Counselors’ State Licensing Boards Meeting, 明尼阿波利斯MN, 9月20日, 2018.

  • 老马特,. J.K., & Pickutt R. National Counselor Licensure Endorsement Process Update.  Annual Conference of the National Board of Certified Counselors’ State Licensing Boards Meeting, 明尼阿波利斯MN, 9月21日, 2018.

  • 老马特,. J.K., & Pickutt R. 可移植性 & Endorsement-Part II: An Interactive State Discussion.  Annual Conference of the National Board of Certified Counselors’ State Licensing Boards Meeting, 明尼阿波利斯MN, 9月21日, 2018.

  • 老马特,. J.K.Schrecengost, R.普鲁加,A.布罗肯希尔,A., & Minchen B. Using MI with Adolescents: Mediating Issues of Resistance, Ambivalence and Change.   Annual Conference of the American Counseling Association, Atlanta, GA, April 2018.

  • Approximately 60 career presentations at inter国家, 国家, 状态, 以及当地的专业活动和会议.


  • 老马特,. J.K., KDKA药品峰会. Represented 新濠天地app大学 as an expert panelist at a community event to address the opioid crisis being experienced within our communities.  This discussion was a 3-hours radio program and had an in-person audience of a few hundred.  2018年4月,宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡.


  • 老马特,. J.K., Shiderly,年代.Impellizzeri, J. (2019).  给予批准.  Master of Arts in Counseling 资源 for Opioid (MACRO) Workforce Enhancement Program.  Grant funded through the Bureau of Health Workforce in the Health 资源 and Services Administration (HRSA) under the Opioid Workforce Expansion Program (OWEP) Professionals.  申请跟踪号:166850. 

    Awarded funding from the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) Clinical Researcher’s Loan Repayment Program to investigate effective treatment intervention strategies for adolescents and young adults identified with comorbid substance use disorder and Major Depressive Disorder (8/1/06 – 8/1/08).  During this period there was extensive mentoring targeting the publishing and presenting of research findings from a leading principal investigator in the comorbidity field, in-depth research trainings and workshops developed by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for the purposes of developing scientific practitioners, and extensive training in research grant writing through seminars.


  • Recipient of the 2021 Pennsylvania Counseling Association 生活time Achievement Award.

从属关系,e.g., membership in professional organizations, etc.

  • Board Member of the Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Professional Counselors
  • Chair Faculty Advisor for Chi Sigma Iota, the inter国家 honorary society for counselors
  • Board member of the Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Professional Counselors.  他在2008年至2018年担任了两届总统.  Was Chair of the Board for last two-years of the second term.  Note of distinction: happened to be only the second LPC to serve as Chair of the board.

  • Served as President of the American Association of State Counseling Boards (AASCB).  This is the organization of 状态 boards that regulate the practice of counseling.  Elected by 状态 board members of AASCB to serve as the President position of the American Association of State Counseling Boards in January of 2017.  This was a three-year commitment that ended on December 31, 2020.  Note of distinction: happened to be the first ever AASCB President hailing from Pennsylvania.