7 Reasons Why Majoring in Education Is a Good Idea - 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app
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7 Reasons Why Majoring in Education Is a Good Idea

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Why majoring in education is worth it

如果你正在考虑你的专业选择,你想过攻读教育学学位吗? Geneva College has a wide range of options, from early childhood to secondary education, for your consideration. Is education a good college major? For many students, the answer to this common question is “yes.” There are many distinct perks to majoring in education.

Yet you may also be wondering if education is a hard major. 当然, it can be quite a challenging major, 但这是一个值得接受的挑战,因为承担教育任务会带来许多回报.

这篇文章探讨了为什么主修教育是一个好主意的七个原因, 从工作保障到作为一名教育者所获得的内在价值. 如果你喜欢孩子,请往下读,看看为什么教育可能是你的正确职业道路.

1. 总是学习

Educators are always learning. 事实上, 它被编入大多数教育执照计划,以确保教师不断接受继续教育,以提高他们的技能. 如果你热爱学习, 教育专业为你提供了一条职业道路,学习是你工作描述的一部分.

2. A Large Number of 职业生涯 Paths

大多数在大学主修教育学的人毕业后都会花一些时间在课堂上, but that is just one career open to education majors. This degree can also open the door to working as:

  • Juvenile corrections worker
  • 辅导员
  • 心理学家
  • Child life specialist
  • 招生 specialist
  • Education administration roles
  • 课程开发人员

任何与年轻人有关的领域都适合受过教育的人. 其中一些职业道路确实需要额外的培训或研究生工作, but your education major would set the right foundation. 

3. 工作保障

As long as there are kids, there will be a need for people to teach them. This means job security for professionals with an education degree. 除了, 公立学校经常受益于教师工会,因为他们帮助优秀的教育工作者留在教室里.

根据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据,小学教师们希望看到一个新的学年 增加4% in the number of jobs by 2029. 对于……也是如此 高中教师. 被雇用于 post-secondary education can expect a 9% increase in demand during that time frame. Teachers are much needed, and that is a definite perk to the profession.

4. You Get to Help Students

作为一名教育者, your job is to help students succeed, both academically 也 as socially and emotionally. 这是非常有益的,可以帮助激励你每天去上班. Every day is different, 也, 当你和学生一起解决影响他们学习和发展的问题时.

5. You Make a Difference

Helping students succeed means you are making a difference, not just in the lives of the students in your classroom, but also in society as a whole. Society is only as strong as its future leaders will be, 作为一名教育者, you are growing and developing those future leaders. Every time you go to work, you are making a difference in the lives of the students you see, and that is highly rewarding.

有时,老师是第一个注意到情绪或行为问题的人,说些什么可以改变学生的生活. Sometimes a teacher or a classroom is the only safe space a student has, 你的稳定会让他们在和你在一起的时候过得轻松一点.

6. Seeing Students Learn New Skills

当你教书时,你有机会看到学生学习和掌握新技能. 许多老师都说,当学生终于掌握了一个困难的概念时,就会出现“灵光一闪”的时刻. That is a highly rewarding experience, and something you get to see on an almost daily basis as an educator.

无论你是教高年级学生微积分,还是教幼儿园学生阅读,这都没有关系, 有机会看到你所展示的信息最终“点击”,这使得教育专业的所有努力都是值得的.

7. 有益的事业

In the end, all these perks lead to a highly rewarding career. 看着孩子们成长和发展,并知道你正在为未来做出改变,这有很多内在的价值. 这使得许多选择这条职业道路的人觉得学习教育是值得的, and this career starts with an education major.

Start Your Education Training Today

教育是一个很好的大学专业,因为它带来了就业机会和价值. 你有机会改变未来,同时也改变学生们现在的生活. This major can be challenging 也, so you will want to get started down that path as quickly as possible.

Geneva College has a number of education majors for your consideration. Go online to explore our 教育专业, 或者联系招生顾问,谈谈你的选择,并开始计划在高需求领域从事有回报的职业.

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